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Classroom Development

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Some Professional Development Options

We host a variety of sessions every year designed to meet the direct needs of our audiences. There are community events with offerings of small breakout sessions, vendors, and guest speakers. There are also smaller seminars intended for more direct groups of individuals. One of our more popular events is the Superwoman Syndrome, an annual seminar, which centers a focus around the women in our lives and around our community.
Allow us to help you design your next conference or seminar with guest speakers, vendors, and even participants!

Lesson plans, curriculum implementation, room arrangement, and literature selection. All of these elements are notes in a very delicate composition titled "The Early Learning Environment".

Let us help you and your teachers focus on strength and talents to retreat from mere survival mode and really get back into the joy of teaching. We help teachers and programs set personal and professional goals in order to establish an optimal learning environment, one classroom at a time, for both children and educators.

Our communities are only as strong as we make them. We believe in giving back and offering parts of ourselves as a means to accomplish community empowerment. 


We offer free sessions for parents, adolescents, teachers, grandparents, and a host of other groups. We sponsor book drives, and opportunities for networking and gathering valuable resources.


The ERS or Environment Rating Scales - Revised Editions are a few of the most valid and reliable tools used to establish high quality early childhood programs. They assess the level of quality offered in homes, child care centers, centers in residences, and school age programs. They have been around since 1980 and have helped professionals in this ever changing field qualify and quantify what happens in early learning environments.


Our team helps programs learn the scales, apply the information, make changes, and prepare for the ERS assessment. We are skilled and knowledgeable about ECERS-R, ITERS-RFCCERS-R, and SACERS-U. We offer observations, mock assessments, and valuable feedback. Contact us and allow us to help you use the scales to enhance/sustain the level of quality offered in your classroom/ program.

Community Outreach
ERS Preparation
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